Melt is formulated as a single Mathematica notebook, called melt.nb containing all functions & documentation split into sections.

It also comes with an additional file melt.m, which has only the function definitions (for automatic loading; see below).

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Download: 👇


To understand the functions and look at examples, open melt.nb and navigate through the different sections by clicking on the ${\bm {\color{blue} \rangle \rangle}}$ symbols:

Screen Shot 2022-08-06 at 09.41.54.png

Load functions from the web

To load all functions into your Mathematica notebook, run:


The file melt.m is a copy of melt.nb, but contains only the initialization cells with the function definitions.

This method will always keep you up to date to the latest version.

But has the downside that it requires internet connectivity.

Load from local source

From melt.nb

If you have the melt.nb open, simply click on Evaluation > Evaluate Initialization Cells.

This will load all functions in the notebook. And they will also work on any other notebooks you currently have open.

From melt.m (more systematic approach)

Once you download melt.m from the zip above, you can call it into any Mathematica session by typing << "/Users/myUser/myFolder/melt.m"

(where the filepath has to be replaced with the appropriate one for your machine).