Organizing a cohesive reading group with 100+ participants will require more structure than the reading groups you may be used to attending.
We'd like to ask that everyone look over the group's structure, and then fill out the attached google form by Friday's lecture if they're interested in being part of the group.
There are benefits to operating in both large and small groups. In a large group, we benefit from each other's questions and build a sense of global community. In a small group, it is possible for everyone to engage in active discussion. To benefit from both, we have chosen the following structure.
After trying this structure for two cycles (one semester), everyone can share their reflections and we will adjust the structure accordingly.
Please fill out these forms so we can organize the groups and decide on the reading content. We will all begin reading the same content. We will either continue like this or organize the groups by interest and each read different papers. You'll be asked for your preference in the form.
Please fill out the form by Friday's lecture.